Registration process:
Personal area, Register new account form.
Link: Register new account
Put email in the email field and click the register new account button.
The user is automatically logged in, receives an email (please confirm in the spam folder) notifying of your registration which also includes your password to access the site.
In the future and whenever you need to login to the site you will have to use these data, email and password.
Process to change password
Personal area, account details form.
Link: Account details
User profile page, on this page the user to change his password will have to put his current password in the Current password field, put his new password in the New password field and repeat the same password in the Confirm new password field.
Login Process
Personal area, Login form.
Link: Login
The user will have to put the email used to register the account and his respective password.
By clicking the log in button, you will be logged in to the site.
Password recovery process
Personal area, password reset form.
Link: Recover password/access password
Put email in the field and press the Reset Password button.
The user will receive an email (please confirm in the spam folder) where there is a link in which you must click, you will be taken to a page where you can reset your password, there are two mandatory fields, in the first field put your new password and in the second field repeat the password placed in the previous field.